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Do you already know the Citizen Calculator? If you need help with your finances, central bank offers a free application where you can calculate alone and instantly obtain the values for different situations.

For example, Financing, Applications, Credit card interest and corrections of invested amounts.

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The application Citizen Calculator It allows, for example, you to carry out the calculations and see the interest you will pay on this financing.

This way, knowing the value of the installment and the interest rate, you will know how much the final value of this financing will be.

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But to do this, you need to fill in the values and the calculator will perform all the calculations. Financial services calculation simulations are based on the information you enter.

What you can do with the Citizen Calculator app:

  • Application with regular deposits: You can calculate a financial investment – which is to make a deposit of the same amount every month for a period determined by you, where over time, it will generate a financial return greater than that invested at the beginning, because of the interest profit.

    In this calculation you can simulate monthly investments always in the same amount, considering a certain interest rate, and know how much you will obtain at the end of the desired period;
  • Financing with fixed installments: In this location, you can calculate what will be the value of a loan where the installments will always be equal and know how much interest you will pay. The tool will show the interest rate and how long it takes to pay off this financing. 
  • Future value of capital: Here you simulate the deposit of an amount and you can know how much profit you will make on the amount that was deposited, considering the interest rate and time, so you can know the value after the number of months calculated;
  • Value correction: Update the calculation of an amount, using the savings remuneration, the inflation index, the Selic rate, among other possibilities;
  • Credit card: In this calculation you can compare the cost of paying only part of the credit card bill with other types of credit. And also the interest rate for the invoice when it is not possible to pay the full amount of the current invoice.

How to do the calculations

A Citizen Calculator provides you with 4 fields to fill in, namely:

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  • The amount financed or the amount earned at the end
  • The interest rate 
  • The financing or application time
  • The value of the installments or the amount applied monthly

So to know the desired result, you will fill in the 3 fields that have the data and the field that is blank. This will give you the results you need to know, for example:

If you wish to finance R$ 1000.00 (one thousand reais), the interest rate is 15% for this financing and you wish to pay in 36 months, you will then obtain the value of the installments to be paid monthly by you.

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However, if you want to know what interest you are paying, fill in the details of the amount financed, the time and value of the installments, and the tool will show you what the interest is on the amount you financed.

Where to find the Citizen Calculator

Finally, you can do this calculation for free at Central Bank website or through the app, which is also free and available for androidiOS It is Windows Phone.

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