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Whenever we take a photo, we quickly find defects in ourselves, be it in our face, eyes, hair or even body, but if you are even a little more detail-oriented, there is one more thing that will bother you: your teeth.

Because of this, many people don't like to smile in photos, do you know anyone like that? You teeth yellowing is annoying.

Because we have the habit of having as a standard the smiles of famous people who invest in whitening and even more expensive treatments such as contact lenses.

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You may not be able to do one of these procedures and get the white smile you dream of, but with technology today, you can in one application on your cell phone with just a few taps on the screen, lighten yours teeth and post a photo where you feel completely satisfied with your smile.

How this function works

These applications allow you to edit any of your photos where you are smiling and leave your teeth whiter in the tone you want, and you can adjust it to the white you like best. Yes!

We're serious, this really exists!

And even beyond the teeth whitening, with these applications You can correct some imperfections that bother you on your face like this.

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You don't need a professional editing system and you don't even need to ask your friend for help, as you can edit your photos yourself.

We've listed the 4 best apps to whiten your teeth below, choose one and try it right now!

1- Facetune2 – Editing, filters and retouching for selfies

Facetune2 is a free and very easy to use photo editor, where you can retouch your photos, it serves as a personal makeup studio with a large collection of filters.

Get that beautiful look and natural smile in a matter of seconds and share the photos with your friends.

This one application is available for android It is iOS.

2- YouCam Perfect: Selfie Camera & Photo Editor

YouCam Perfect is a complete photo editor, where you can add hundreds of effects and filters to your photos, whiten teeth, and it also allows group photo edits, where everyone in the photo can have their face edited.

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The YouCam app is available for android It is iOS.

3- AirBrush – Photo Editor

AirBrush is a application where in a very simple way, with just a few touches, your photos become even more beautiful!

In addition to all the possible edits to your photos, it has specific filters to make your smile even more radiant.

O application is available for Android and iOS.

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4- Perfect365: Facial Makeup

Do you want to edit photos from your cell phone camera? Look perfect in your photos!

With just one touch, this application you can whiten teeth and also add makeup inspired by celebrities and the best beauty trends. 

Perfect365 is available for android It is iOS.

Now that you know which are the best applications for whiten teeth and edit your photos, use technology to your advantage to improve the visual appearance of all your photos in a very easy way.