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Maybe you don't know, but the Health Unic System (SUS) offers dental treatment through the Smiling Brazil Program.

In other words, in addition to medical care throughout the national territory, there is a way to have dental treatment that is completely free for the Brazilian population.

O Smiling Brazil Program It is considered the largest oral health system in the world.

And, since 2004 when it was created, it has allowed more than 80 million people to obtain free dental care.

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Among the services offered are:

Cleanings, restorations, wisdom teeth removal, prosthetics, cavity treatments

Gadgets dental and extractions, it is also possible to obtain Dental implant at no cost.

SUS dental implant – What is it

O Dental implant It is a surgery to replace a tooth that has been lost, or for some reason, required extraction.

O Smiling Brazil Program does not handle cases of implants just for aesthetics.

But yes, for those who need to replace a tooth that was removed for some reason.

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Children and adolescents who do not yet have all their permanent teeth cannot do the Dental implant.

This is because the implants They do not move with the growth of the face, and can therefore complicate the correct development of the teeth.

Who is entitled to a dental implant through the SUS?

For being a program of SUS, all Brazilians have the right to receive this service.

However, you need to seek care at Basic Care Units (UBS) – also known as “Health Centers”.

The team at the Service Unit in your city will arrange the appointment, so you can get the implant.

Have an identification document with photo (CPF, RG or CNH) and the Card SUS or the SUS Digital Card – know how to get yours.

Exams required for SUS dental implants

To place the implant, the dentist will evaluate the patient by requesting one of the tests below:

  • Panoramic x-ray – Where you can see the height of the bone to the implant
  • Computed Tomography – Where you will see the height and width of the bone, enabling correct planning for the implant.

In addition to imaging tests, the dentist will also order other tests to find out the patient's health status, such as:

Possible infections, glucose levels and others

Because it is important that the patient is healthy or under medical supervision and up to date with medications.

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How is the SUS dental implant performed?

The dentist plans the Dental implant in a computer program, where it defines exactly how and where the tooth will be implanted in the patient's bone.

The patient receives local anesthesia and can then undergo the procedure of placing a small titanium cylinder in the bone below the gums.

This cylinder simulates the root of the tooth, where the new tooth will be implanted.

By making cuts, there will be stitches (sutures) in the patient's gums at the end of the procedure. implant.

On average, this procedure lasts approximately two hours, depending on the amount of implants to be accomplished.

After this, it is necessary to wait around 8 months for the permanent teeth to be implanted.

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Care after dental implant

After surgery, the patient must rest and eat only liquid and cold meals for the first 12 hours, to help with healing.

After these 12 hours, you can start eating soft foods and only return to eating normally 24 hours after surgery.

It is also necessary to sleep with your head higher than your body, for this you can use pillows and cushions.

And avoid quick movements and do not lower your head to avoid bleeding.

And, for a few days, you cannot make physical effort or work in the sun.

Furthermore, avoid talking a lot, so that healing happens correctly.

See too:

SUS Digital Card: How to get it and how to use it

Do you know the SUS Digital Card? know more