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Do you know what the WhatsApp Status

O WhatsApp status, is a space where you can share photos, videos, texts and animated GIFs that disappear after 24 hours.

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You can share an important moment from your day, something that you like and want your contacts and friends to see and interact with you.

To be able to view the updates from status of a contact, you and your contact must have each other's phone numbers saved in your contact list.

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How to create a status

  1. Open the Whatsapp and tap STATUS.
  2. Tap:
  3. Text on pencil symbol for writing text. Tap Emoji to add emojis or GIFs, and tap T to select the font or Color to select the font. your background color status.
  4. Camera or Mine status to take a photo or record a video or GIF. If you prefer, you can select a photo, video or GIF from your phone gallery. You can also add a caption or edit the photo, video or GIF. know more in this article.
  5. Tap Send so the Status be published and can be seen by your contacts and friends.

If you prefer, tap the CONVERSATIONS tab and then the Camera icon to create and send a chat. update of status with a photo, video or GIF.

How to add music to WhatsApp Status

There is, however, a way to add songs on WhatsApp status if you want, and we’ll tell you how to do it right away!

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  1. Open the application where you will tap the music – Like Spotify, Deezer or whatever else you use
  2. Open the Whatsapp and tap STATUS
  3. Tap Camera or My status, place your hand over the camera covering the image, so that it becomes dark and press and hold the button that takes the photo so that the video starts recording. In this way, the status will record the screen and also the music that is playing on your cell phone – this way you will have a video with the music what you want to post on your status.
  4. In this video, you will be able to add emojis and texts before post on your status, customizing the video to make it how you want it.
  5. You can still record the screen normally while the music Play, if you want to show something on video with the music in the background, like a landscape, or anything else you want to show.

Another tip is that you can still use your headphones when recording the screen with the music to post your WhatsApp status, if you are in a public place or do not want to make noise. 

To do this, do the same procedure as above, but place the earphone close to the place where your mouth is when we talk on the phone, so the cell phone will capture the sound in your video without any problem.   

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Now that you know how to put music on WhatsApp status, what are you waiting for to share yours? songs favorites?