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If you have diabetes and suffer from syringe needles, you will want to know how to apply insulin from a pen it will improve your life.

We know that the diabetes It's a problem that affects many people in Brazil, and they need to control their blood sugar levels and apply insulin every day.

However, many people cannot get used to frequent needling, whether to measure blood glucose or to administer insulin.

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Even more so when the patients are children, which makes the task much more complicated for the person who will apply it.

But some options have emerged to improve the lives of people with diabetes, and one of them is insulin pen.

It has the same function as the syringe, however, it has a smaller needle, which causes less pain, and is more practical to apply.

So read until the end and discover the pros and cons and how to apply insulin from a pen.

How the insulin pen works

First of all, let's understand how it works and then we'll see how to apply insulin from a pen.

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It really looks like a pen, which for applying to children, for example, could be an advantage.

Furthermore, you can throw it straight in the trash, without needing to prepare it like syringes.

As mentioned before, the pen has a smaller needle, around 0.4 millimeters, which makes the application less painful.

However, the value of the pen is greater than the syringe, for this reason, if the patient receives the syringes, buying the pens is a cost.

Also, the needles and insulin vials used in the pen are different from those used in the syringe.

Application to measure glucose


How to apply insulin from a pen

So we've reached the point you've been waiting for, discover how to apply insulin from a pen.

Firstly, to apply, wash your hands well and clean the area you are going to apply with cotton wool and alcohol.

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Prepare the pen by changing the insulin bottle inside it. To do this, simply disassemble the pen by rotating it, and then just put it back together.

Then, attach the pen needle to the tip of the pen and test whether it is working, if a drop of insulin comes out.

It is important to pay attention to whether there are any air bubbles in the bottle, and if there are any, you need to remove them before applying.

After the pen is ready, you select the amount of insulin you will apply, according to the amount indicated by the doctor.

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Then, you make a crease in the skin with your fingers and insert the needle at an angle between 45º and 90º.

Push the button all the way to apply and wait 10 seconds to remove the needle, so that the insulin can enter completely.

And the places of how to apply insulin from a pen They are the same as the syringe, that is, the belly area, inner thigh, buttocks and arm.

But before switching from the syringe to the pen we recommend that you consult your doctor, she will indicate the best way to do this.

If you still have any questions, you can see more about how to apply insulin from a pen at SUS booklet.