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If you need any health care and cannot find the SUS card, look how to issue a duplicate of the SUS card.

Of course, everyone knows that the single healthcare system is a government action that offers free medical care.

Therefore, every citizen has the right to free care in any public health unit, whether emergency care or not.

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And it does not depend on income, social class or any other point of the type, it is a right guaranteed to anyone.

However, to take advantage of this free service you must have the SUS card, as it is through it that all personal information is managed.

In addition to being able to schedule exams and medical appointments faster, your information such as blood pressure and other information is available for future consultation.

So see more about this subject and How to issue a duplicate of your SUS card.

How the SUS card works

As we said, it serves to store patient information and also helps to speed up medical care in healthcare units.

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But an important point to mention is that since 2015 the SUS card It became digital, it became a cell phone app.

This way, you will be able to access information about care and your health on your cell phone screen.

In addition, you can fill in some additional information yourself, such as allergy information, medications for continuous use and enter emergency contacts.

This information can help with diagnosis or in the event of an accident in which the information cannot be shared.

But it's simple to use digital SUS card, you only need to have an active CPF, and do everything through the app.

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Before the application called My digiSUS, however, has been updated and is now called Connect SUS.

Just install the Connect SUS app in your app store, fill in the information and you will get the SUS card on the cellphone.

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How to issue a duplicate of your sus card

However, if you are the type who prefers to have SUS card printed, you can rest assured that we will show you how to do it.

There are two ways for you issue a duplicate of your sus card, one online and the other not.

If you do not have internet access or have difficulties, you can go to a Basic Health Unit for this.

Any Basic Health Unit can provide this service to issue a duplicate of the SUS card, but each UBS serves a neighborhood.

So, to avoid having to go to a distant location, find out at your city's health department which UBS serves your region.

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But don't forget to take your personal documents, such as CPF, ID and proof of address, for consultation and issuance.

However, another option you can use to do this is through the Connect SUS Portal.

All you have to do is access the website, fill out the form with your details and a service protocol will be generated.

Save the protocol number, until the card arrives at your home, you will be able to use it for appointments.

Remembering that this protocol is valid for only 3 months.