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meet the app to find out the baby's gender, find out through an app whether your baby is a boy or a girl.

In fact, pregnancy is a sublime moment in a woman's life, the woman becomes even more beautiful.

When we think about the complexity of this moment, we are enchanted by everything that is happening, after all, it is another life that is there.

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Having a child growing inside you must be a surreal experience, when the heart can be heard it is spectacular.

Today, exams are very detailed, allowing all organs to be seen even before birth.

But did you know there is a app to find out the baby's gender, helping you find out if you are having a boy or a girl? Get to know a little more.

Baby Gender Calculator

It is an application that uses calculation formulas to discover the child's gender. According to the application, the chances of success are high.

Although it can reach up to 70%, it is not a scientific method. In other words, there is no certainty of success.

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The calculation takes into account the date of birth of the father and mother, thus generating a table of probabilities.

Bringing tips on the best time of year to conceive a boy and a girl. You can try using the app to find out the baby's gender.

Download the Baby Gender Calculator and learn more about the app that promises to help you find out your baby's gender.

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Baby Gender Prediction

Today, baby gender reveals are real parties, called reveal teas. Install the app Baby Gender Prediction and enjoy.

In addition to what we saw above, another app to find out the baby's gender This is it, with a name that already speaks to the purpose of the app.

This is an app that will use the Chinese calendar as a prediction method, along with the parents' blood type.

By adding the exact date, without errors, the chance of getting it right is very high, according to the app's creators.

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If you are pregnant and want to know if it is a boy or a girl, the app to find out the baby's gender it might be useful.

Remembering that applications can make mistakes in their predictions, the safest method is an ultrasound exam.

Therefore, use the application considering a percentage of risk in your calculations and predictions.

Remembering that this application is only available for iOS devices, Android devices will not find this app as an option.

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When is it possible to find out the baby's gender?

At first, the baby gender finder app uses calculations to determine your baby's gender.

But in the form most used by doctors, the time is between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. However, from the 8th week onwards it is already possible to know.

Due to the chances of errors, doctors prefer to leave the date between the 16th and 20th week.

Enjoy your pregnancy time, this moment is magical and passes very quickly.

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