
Due to the large increase in unemployment and poverty, the São Paulo State Government created the program People's Scholarship.

This drop in the income of the Brazilian population is mainly due to the pandemic and inflation.

Therefore, the Government of São Paulo created this project that helps and benefits more than 500 thousand people.


The program People's Scholarship focuses on helping families in need financially, therefore, it has seven types of benefits:

Social assistance 
Professional qualification 

Therefore, if you want to know if you are entitled to any of the benefits, read below:

Youth Action

This social inclusion benefit for young people aged between 15 and 24 with a monthly family income of up to half the minimum wage.

In other words, an income of up to R$ 550.00 for each person in your household. 

To be eligible, you mainly need to participate in activities that help you start a professional career.

Aid in this program is R$ 100.00 per young person per month, and you need to have your CPF registered with CadÚnico.

If you are interested in purchasing, you must then go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your city to register.


Housing assistance

Housing Assistance is a benefit to support housing expenses, temporarily.

Therefore, this benefit is for families whose homes were affected by rain or environmental problems.

Sports Talent Scholarship

Talento Esportivo provides financial support to athletes from any sport who wish to represent São Paulo and Brazil in national and international competitions.

To receive the amount, you must register with the project.

Finally, you will need to undergo an assessment by the Sports Department to find out whether or not you will be able to receive this benefit.

In this benefit the values range from R$ 415.00 to R$ 2490.00 – depending on the sport category and location of the competition.

Citizen Income

In this project, the amount is to help families who are experiencing difficulties or unemployment due to:

Lack of professional qualifications, illiteracy, health problems, lack of housing, chemical dependency or other difficulties.

The amount provided by the government is R$ 100.00.

Fast Track

This project offers free professional training for anyone looking for a job or wanting to open their own business. 


To gain access, you must first register on the program portal and then fulfill other necessary requirements.

The target audience is young people and adults aged 16 and over, who know how to read and write and who are unemployed.

In addition, in this project you receive an amount that is a cost allowance during the course. 

Vale Gas

This benefit offers a value so that you can purchase a cylinder of cooking gas (LPG 13kg).

Vale Gás pays 3 installments of R$ 100.00 every two months, making a total of R$ 300.00.

SP Welcomes

If you lost a family member to COVID-19 with a monthly payment of up to 3 minimum wages.


In other words, R$ 3,300.00, as long as the deaths occurred within the family.

Work Grant

There are 5 months where unemployed people receive R$ 535.00 in addition to professional training courses lasting 4 hours a day, 5 days a week.

In addition, there are other programs that offer benefits and may interest you, they are:

Prospera Família
Entrepreneur Scholarship
Novotec Expresso Grant
People's Scholarship Education
Education Paula Souza Center
Education – Student Action
Welcome Health

To find out if you are entitled to any of these benefits and better understand each of them and their values, visit the official website of Bolsa do Povo here.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the Government of the State of São Paulo does not call or send text messages to ask for personal data information.

In other words, not even asking you to click on links to participate in these programs and public services such as People's Scholarship.

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