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It is very common among couples, even before a possible pregnancy, to want to know who they are with. future child or daughter will look like, what traits she will inherit, what color her eyes will be, the shape of her face, nose, hair. 

Not only couples have this curiosity, many people, even single people, have at some point asked themselves: “what would it be like? my son's face?”. 

Today, it is now possible to see how will it be the face of the future baby a few months into pregnancy, however, the desire to know what it will be like is not always baby's face comes with pregnancy.

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And yes, just out of curiosity, which sometimes even extends to imagining What would the future baby's face look like? if the parents were some celebrity.

With cell phone technology and Artificial Intelligence, today we can, through applications which you can install on your cell phone, analyze facial features based on photos of parents' faces, and thus make a prediction about the face of your future baby. 

For this reason, we have listed the 4 best apps below so you can simulate your baby's face:

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1- BabyGenerator – Predict your future baby face

O BabyGenerator app in addition to generating the photo with the prediction of your baby's face, also has other features such as creating family photo collages, saving and sharing photos.

This app is available for Android and iOS.

2- Meet your future baby

This app helps you imagine What will your future baby be like?. By adding to it an image of the father's face and another of the mother's face from your smartphone image gallery, it will generate an image of how can it be your future baby.

It is available on app store.

3- BabyMaker Predicts Baby's Face

BabyMaker analyzes parents' faces and automatically selects the proportions of features that your future child may have.

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Available at app store.

4- FaceApp – Facial editing and transformation app

aplicativo para prever o rosto do futuro bebe

There is also the application FaceApp which has many functions, it allows you to edit photos, where you can simulate what you would be like at another age, whether younger or older, simulate what you would be like if you were born in another sex, and also, simulate what you will be like your future children

This app is available for Android and iOS.

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The best results in these applications always occur if the photos added to them are frontal and good quality face photos, where they can analyze facial features more accurately to create the baby face.

All of these applications use Artificial Intelligence technology, and therefore, the results of the images obtained in the predictions are only so that you can have a reference, in addition to, of course, promoting entertainment.

It is possible to carry out simulations with photos of famous people in the artistic world and also with the faces of friends and family, always promoting a lot of fun with the results obtained, however, it is necessary to always keep in mind that the results may be different from reality.