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Saque emergencial do fgts

Emergency withdrawal from FGTS

Great news for workers: the FGTS Emergency Withdrawal is now available and has already benefited millions of Brazilians. The amount available for withdrawal is up to R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais), and will be paid into the digital social savings account. This year's Emergency Withdrawal began on April 20th to…

Como consultar saldo do FGTS

How to check FGTS balance

The Federal Government has released several ways for you to use your Guarantee Fund, so you need to know how to check your FGTS balance. The FGTS is nothing more than the Service Time Guarantee Fund, and every registered worker has the right to receive it. This is because it was made to protect…

Como consultar o saldo do FGTS

How to check your FGTS balance – Complete Tutorial

The government has released several ways to use the FGTS, but do you know how to check the FGTS balance and what ways to use? Every registered worker has an account created by the government to store a reserve of money where the employer deposits it every month. This value is more or less 8% of the salary that the …