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Do you want access to your clinical history? O Connect SUS application gives you this access without any type of bureaucracy. Making your life much easier.

We are talking about an app that gives you access to the Unified Health System, it is the official application of the Ministry of Health.

If you are concerned about false information about the Unified Health System, the connect app sus is the Ministry's official means of communication.

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Find out how to use the app, and much more here.

What do you find in the app?

Do you still have your national vaccination card? Many of us have lost our wallets, or it has become damaged over the years.

In the connect sus app you will have your national vaccination card, as well as other things such as the national health card.

In the app you will also have the results of the tests carried out for Covid19, if you need the tests, they will be in your hand.

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In principle, the app will even be able to provide you with information about the medicines you pick up at Farmácia Popular.

In principle, the application works as a history of yours, as well as providing important information.

You will even have a history of the blood donations you make, as well as being able to track your position on the transplant list. If you need a transplant.

If you need a health service, the app will show you which health service is closest to where you are. At first, it filters and shows you whatever you need.

Above all, the Connect SUS application, can be used by any user of the Unified Health System.

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How can I have the Connect SUS App?

Firstly, you will need to install the app on your cell phone. However, access to all the app's features will be through your account.

In principle, the password used in the app is the same as the password, so access to your vaccination card will only be for those who have the account.

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You will need to log into your app store to download the Connect SUS application. For Android cell phones, access the Play Store.

Cell phones with iOS system must access the Apple Store. This way, the app will be downloaded without any problem.

After downloading the app, access will be immediate, with the password. If you have any difficulty accessing, call 136.

In principle, this is the Dial Saúde telephone number, so you will find all the support to use the Application connect sus.

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What documents can I generate through Conecte SUS?

Finally, the Connect SUS Application allows you to access some documents. All through a few taps on your cell phone.

Access is quick, practical and intuitive, navigation is very simple, allowing you to use all the app's functions.

With the application, you can generate some documents, see the list:

  1. The result of the Covid19 laboratory test
  2. National Covid19 vaccination certificate
  3. SUS Card
  4. National Vaccination Card

Ultimately, the Connect SUS application provides some important facilities for users of the Unified Health System. Download the app and enjoy.