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Did you know you can check voter registration via cell phone and see all information such as number and electoral zone.

The elections are getting closer every day, so it is important to know where your voter ID is.

But if you don't know where your title ended up and don't remember the number or the electoral session or zone, there is a solution.

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That's because you can check voter registration online via cell phone or on your computer using e-Título.

What is the e-Título app

The way for you to be able check voter registration via cell phone It's through the app e-Title, which is official for this query.

As the government has been migrating voter registration cards to digital format in recent years, it is now easier to consult this information.

You cannot vote without at least knowing your voting zone and voting session.

So you need a duplicate of the title or find out this information to find the correct place to vote.

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That's where the e-Title It comes in, it generates this information and then you will be able to consult your information.

Since the title is in digital format, the app e-Title it can be considered the second copy of the voter registration card.

In addition to being able to see your information such as your electoral zone, you can also see your registration status, certificate of electoral crimes and certificate of electoral discharge.

However, it is important to say that in order for you to be able to use this information from the app, you must have biometric registration completed.

But also, even if you find your information, you will need to bring a photo ID when voting.

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How to check voter ID on your cell phone

After understanding where check your voter registration card on your cell phone see how to consult.

Firstly, you go to the application store on your mobile device, whether Android or iOS and search for e-Title.

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Before installing it on your device, confirm that the application is official from the Brazilian Electoral Court, so as not to be deceived.

After you confirm, you can then install it on your device, and when you open it for the first time, you will need to agree to the terms of use.

If you do not have your voter registration card to scan the information, you will need to manually fill in the information.

But don't worry, they are just the voter's name, date of birth, choice between CPF or title number, parents' name.

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They will then ask you to answer a few questions to confirm that you are the one trying to access the e-Title.

For example, profession, cell phone number and the city where you were born. Respond calmly so as not to make a mistake and not be able to access the application.

However, after you answer the questions you will be able to see all your electoral information on your cell phone.

The way of check your voter registration card on your cell phone It's very simple and quick to do.

Finally, you find the e-Title available for devices with system android It is iOS.