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Will have blood pressure controlled, can avoid many problems, which is why you need a application to measure pressure.

The Ministry of Health said that today almost half of the adult population suffers from hypertension.

But many people end up not knowing they have this problem and that's why they don't take care of it the way they should.

Although it is possible to live with hypertension controlled without any problem, if it is not taken care of it can cause several other diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

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Therefore, it is very important for those who have the disease to always have it under control, and for those who don't, to be careful not to acquire it.

For this reason, we have put together a selection of application to measure pressure for you to test and keep your health under control.

1. Smart Blood Pressure

Firstly, in our selection of application to measure pressure you will find the Smart Blood Pressure.

The application Smart Blood Pressure It's very intuitive and easy to use, and best of all it's free.

So even if you are new to the subject of measure pressure, you will be able to take the measurement calmly and easily.

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Additionally, the app Smart Blood Pressure provides all information organized by date and time and even measurements in a graph.

You can save every time you measure, and thus compare it with other results, and also share it with your doctor.

Therefore, the app is very suitable for those who have hypertension or pre hypertension as it will help keep the levels under control.

And you will find the app available for Android and iPhone devices.

watch that measures glucose


2. Blood Pressure

Secondly, in our selection of application to measure pressure you will also find the app Blood pressure.

The app Blood pressure It's actually a smart monitor for you to measure your blood pressure and track the results.

Furthermore, the application analyzes your results and creates a graph to make it easier for you to monitor the results.

It is also possible to carry out a long-term analysis of pressure, with the calculation of pressure intervals.

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You will be able to install the Blood pressure only on Android devices.

3. Samsung Health Monitor

Lastly, another option that you can find within our selection of application to measure pressure It is Samsung Health Monitor.

The application is from the company Samsung, which allows you to synchronize with the company's own smartwatch, and so measure blood pressure.

However, not all smartwatch models have this function available, only from the Active 2 model onwards.

To do this, the smartwatch can use its sensors to measure pulse waves, and in this way it can measure your blood pressure.

Then the Samsung Health Monitor shows all the results, and you can save them in the app to compare later.

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Furthermore, the Samsung device has some models that allow you to make up to one electrocardiogram.

You can also monitor your diet and physical activities to take complete care of your health. O Samsung Health Monitor is available for Android and iPhone devices.

Smart Blood Pressure android It is iphone

Blood pressure android

Samsung Health Monitor android It is iphone