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To obtain any type of credit, companies evaluate your history as a payer, see below how to check the score.

Banks have created a way to make it easier to know what type of payer you are, whether you pay on time, late or not at all.

For this reason he created the Score, which is a score from 0 to 1000 that shows how likely you are to pay your bills on time.

So, when banks or even other companies look at your credit score, Score, they decide whether or not they will give you credit.

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Not just banks but stores look at your Score before releasing credit, and card operators to release limits.

And some companies even look at their score before hiring an employee, to find out how they manage their financial life.

For this reason, having the Score Having a good score is very important, not only for having credit, but also for getting a job.

If you want to know how to check the score and what to do to improve your score see the article until the end.

Como consultar o score

1. Serasa: CPF and Score Consultation

Firstly, it has how to check the score at the Serasa, and best of all without having to spend anything to do so.

You can make the query both through the website and through the app. Serasa.

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Therefore, to help you understand how the Score the website of Serasa shows which points are analyzed to give the score.

The points are: your financial relationship with companies, your browsing history, whether your registration is up to date and payments are up to date.

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So stop check the score, you enter the website Serasa or install the App from your smartphone's app store.

If this is your first access, you register and enter all the information requested to create the account.

Don't forget to provide true information, because the Serasa will confirm your data before granting access.

Ready, you log in to Serasa and your score will appear on the home screen. Serasa Score.

Then, check your Score here through the application available for android It is iphone, or even the website of Serasa.

Additionally, you can check debts on your CPF, bounced checks, lawsuits and protests.

It is also possible to renegotiate debts, for this the Serasa offers some offers for negotiation.

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And you can look for companies that offer credit cards or loans to you.

2. Boa Vista – Positive Consumer

Another alternative to how to check the score, is to use the Boa Vista Positive Consumer, which is also free.

As well as the Serasa, you can check your score via the website or via the smartphone app.

First of all, for check the score, you need to register, even though the consultation is free.

To do this, you enter your CPF, full name, date of birth, email and telephone number, and then answer 3 security questions to validate the data.

Soon after, you create the password and enter the website, and also on the home screen you have access to score score.

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And by Good view, you can also see if you have debts on your CPF, and can simulate loans, credit cards and even open a digital account.

Finally, you can consult the website Good view, or through the application to android or iphone.

So, with this information about how to check the score, and how important it is, you can increase your score taking care of your accounts.

You need to pay your bills if possible, well before they are due, and still not let any be late.

You can still update your information on the website. Serasa, to help improve the score.