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Caixa Econômica Federal is making payments for the last installment of the Emergency Aid this October, as the benefit will end.

O Emergency Aid was created in April 2020 to offer help to the population due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

From April to August 2020, installments ranged from R$600 for families in general to R$1200 for those with a single mother.

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From September to December 2020, the Government extended the program, but with installments of R$300 to R$600.

The Government was not going to continue providing aid this year, but with the worsening of the pandemic, aid returned in April 2021.

However, this time the values were even lower, with installments from R$150 to R$375, depending on the family profile.

The benefit would end again in July 2021, but there was an extension of 3 more installments.

The end of Emergency Aid

In this way, the Emergency Aid ends for good this October and the Government has already confirmed that it will no longer extend it. 

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The program was very important for families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.

In addition, the unemployed, informal workers, self-employed people and individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI) also benefited from the aid.

This help was essential for families during the pandemic crisis.

The end of the program was justified with the argument that some of the beneficiaries have informal work and are already returning to their activities.  

Furthermore, there is progress in vaccination and a drop in the number of deaths and infections.

What happens when Emergency Aid ends?

With the end of Emergency Aid, the government announced the launch of Auxílio Brasil, a program that will replace and improve Bolsa Família.

However, around 20 million Brazilians who received the Emergency Aid will be left out of those benefiting from the new program.

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These people are those who are not registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico).

In other words, they are families in a situation of poverty, but who did not receive Bolsa Família.

Therefore, these families must stay out of Auxílio Brasil until the month of December.

According to the Minister of Citizenship, João Roma, Auxílio Brasil will have an increased number of beneficiaries.

It is believed that the aid will reach around 17 million families.

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The amount will be adjusted by 20% in relation to the amounts currently paid in Bolsa Família and can now be paid in November.

Furthermore, the Minister also said that the Government is structuring a “transitional benefit” that would operate until December 2022.

They want to equalize benefit payments so that no family receives less than R$400 a month.

To find out more about Auxílio Brasil, visit the Auxílio Brasil website Federal government.

Bolsa do Povo – Find out how to get help from the Government